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Mobilizing communities to strengthen resilience using a Community Asset Inventory Dashboard (CAssI Dashboard)

Funded by the Texas Epidemic Public Health Institute, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth)

This project recognizes that community resilience is not a one-size-fits all concept, and efforts to strengthen resilience must consider the unique characteristics, needs, and vulnerabilities of each community. Using a participatory method approach, this project seeks to identify opportunities for growth while highlighting existing community assets and empowering communities to take ownership of their resilience-building efforts.

CAssI Dashboard


Train and EMPOWER A Community Health workforce to achieve equity and reduce disparities in mental health (TEACH)

Funded by National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities

The goal of this project is to develop a generalizable model to ensure that racial and ethnic minorities and low-income populations experiencing disparities receive services consistent with evidence-based guidelines for the identification and management of behavioral health disorders.


Rural Age Friendly CHW Training Program

Funded by The John A. Hartford Foundation

Agreement with the National Rural Health Association & The John A. Hartford Foundation

Phase I

This project is Phase I of a larger project to develop and implement a community-based approach to address healthy aging in rural communities. Phase I consists of the development of training curriculum, testing of the content, and revisions based on feedback. The trainings developed will be used in NRHA’s proposal for the pilot project testing and continuation of the Initiative.

Phase II

During the second phase of the Age Friendly initiative, Dr. Denise Hernandez will serve as a member of the National Rural Age-Friendly Initiative Interest Group and travel to in-person event. Dr. Denise Hernandez will also facilitate the CHW training in south Texas and adapt the training for asynchronous use in English and Spanish.
NRHA announces new partners to advance rural age-friendly care (August 5, 2024)
Promotoras de salud: Helping community health workers care for older adults (August 22, 2024)

The landscape of the Texas Community Health Worker workforce and implications for sustainability

Funded by Episcopal Health Foundation

Agreement between the University of Texas at Arlington, Episcopal Health Foundation, and the Texas Department of State Health Services

This goal of this project is to conduct a statewide assessment that will provide a comprehensive understanding of the landscape of the Texas CHW workforce with the purpose of identifying strategies to sustain CHW programs. Results of the survey will help to understand the perspectives of CHWs and CHW employers believed to be critical in developing effective approaches for workforce sustainability and policy development.

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